Our high tech machinery are one of the things that makes us stand out from the crowd. We have carefully selected the latest hi-tech machinery from the best manufacturers to present you a high quality products with the quantity of your choice at the right time.
Single Jersey with 100% sun brand
Lycra Attachment 30''*20G*90F*1896T
Quantity :-2Single Jersey with 100% sun brand
Lycra Attachment 34''*24G*102F*2556T
Quantity :-1Double Rib with 100% sun brand
Attachment 26''*18G*52F*1400T
Quantity :-1We have the Best employees who are trained to be an expert of each Machinery to their highest capacity and we also have employees servicing our machinery at a regular basis making them operate at their best capacity at all times giving us the perfect quality and the perfect speed we require.